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Microchipping (NZCAR)

Many owners are unaware that when their pet gets microchipped for the first time, that chip is only registered with the provider that implanted it and therefore their details can only be brought up if the chip is scanned through their system, meaning if their pet is scanned by anyone else in the country they will only find the microchip number with no details of the animal or owner attached. Without access to owner details it becomes more difficult to return the animal home as they can only rely on the help of the public via social media or flyers of found pets to hopefully have the owner contact them. This is where registering them on the New Zealand Companion Animal Register (NZCAR) comes in. 


Having your pet microchipped and registered on the NZCAR improves your chances of getting your pet back quickly, should they go missing. The NZCAR has a national network of over 850 agents, including vet clinics and rescue centres, that can help identify your pet quickly using their scanners and devices to bring up the registered information. These agents can then contact you immediately if your pet is found and, in the event of an injury, being able to locate you quickly can make a huge difference to the recovery of your pet.


Once registered on the NZCAR, you will receive an email invitation to update your pet's details and your contact details, you can also add a secondary contact person if you did not do this during registration. You can then log in at any time to update your contact details and your pets details such as adding medical notes, marking them as lost, transferring ownership to someone else if you rehome them, or marking them as deceased in the unfortunate event of them passing.


If your pet already has a microchip but is not on the register, you can register them quickly and easily yourself at or contact your local agent who can register them for you.

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